Friday, January 22, 2010

Dark days of my Life

XAT results were declared today, and unsurprisingly, I have again made a mess of it, as proved by the results. That unofficially ends my MBA ambitions for this year, cos I haven't done that well in CAT.Not a single call so far, and to be frank and honest, I didn't know I am this much of a loser.
What a glorious journey it was, solving problems, writing those damn mocks, meeting new friends, the countless hours spent on discussing and analysing test papers. Not for a single moment I thoughtI didn't have it in me, and here I am, with absolutely nothing to show for my efforts. I do pity myself for my plight. For the first time in my life I am on the verge of losing my self-confidence, the one good quality that I always possessed. Thoughts are running wild within my tired head. Am I this bad ? ain't I good enough to achieve something ? Did I deserve these ? I seriously don't know. I have failed everybody around me, who had high hopes on me and supported me every moment. Right now, I cannot make a decision whether to go for it one more time. Seriously I don't know, cos I don't have any confidence on myself, not anymore. It's over for me. Game, set and match.


  1. I can remember once I have written in my blog,
    The last smile matters the most. Man who cares if you know you are an IIM material.
    You will be back and will kill all the papers onwards.

    Will c u in C

  2. I had a very similar feeling last yr..but over a period of time a realized that CAT/XAT or any other xam for that matter is not the end of the road...There are zillions other things that you can do to achieve what u want in life...Plus as they say "There is always next time"...So buckle up coz there is lot more to come in life....

    PS: After reading ur posts @football club(man utd club as u call it) I din expected ur first post to be sadistic...

    Cheers CBL

  3. If you can recollect one moment from Dada's career...It was the National Stadium,Karachi...Sachin Tendulkar's stump had been uprooted...lights fading...India 29/4...Dada walks in...faces Shoaib Akhtar running in like a bullet train and bowling at 100 mph...Commentator Rameez Raja and Sanjay Manjrekar points out that Dada should just somehow touch the ball,take a single and go to the other end to save his a**

    What Dada did??...placed the ball in the gap...could have been an easy single...ran for his life...ran two...he wanted strike...he didn't care about anything...he was confident in his ball...came from Shoaib at 100 mph and Dada gave it a body moved...the ball had crossed the cover boundary before anyone could even see it...Inzimam complained of bad light and the players went off!!!

    If you ever lack inspiration think of that great man!!

  4. well brother, i have been following you from some time now you have been just too good in the quant thread (PG).... I m sure there is lot more to come in your life....
    have faith.. god bless

  5. Intresting!! I wonder what would have happened if Liverpool Gave up after the first half in istanbul! :-) . On a lighter note.Try to pursue ur hobbies. learn foreign langauages that u alwez wanted to. take a call in a fortnight or a months time if u wana take CAT 2010. if u ask me , i think u shud, but then try to get busy doing things that excite u. let CAT not be the only thing that keeps u busy

  6. Hello man, I have followed many of your posts at PG, and I must say that you have done an excellent job. Do not get depressed by failures, I am quite confident that you will do well in future.

    Here is a quote:

    'Success is sweet: the sweeter if long delayed and attained through manifold struggles and defeats.'

    A. Branson Alcott

  7. One more CAT for Brand IIM :)
    Dont lose hope.
    See you at Joka.
