Monday, February 1, 2010

Keep the blue flag flying high

Blue is the colour, football is the game
We're all together and winning is our aim
So cheer us on through the sun and rain
Cos Chelsea, Chelsea is our name

I've been following football since 1990, when I was six years old. I pledged my allegiance to Argentina, cos it was impossible for a kid like me not to fall in love with the genius named Maradona. And believe me, I cried more than the man himself after argentina lost in the finals. I'll write some other day on my passion for Argentina, cos it sure deserves a separate post.But not here.
Fast forward to 2000-01, espn/star has already invaded the Indian market and we stated getting a glimpse of what European club football was all about. And then came EPL, the one competition hugely promoted by the sports channels. There were telecasts of football from serie A, la liga but it was EPL which was fed to us the most. Now to follow football, you have to support some club at first, right ? During this time, I supported a number of teams and all my supports were based on players from argentina.
Fiorentina for the sole reason batistuta played there, who I still regard as the most complete striker after ronaldo, valencia for claudio lopez and pablo aimar,etc etc.
In EPL, there was a dearth of argentine players, so my support switched between Liverpool ( The Beatles connection ) and Arsenal (not sure why, maybe because of Bergkamp and Pires). Never liked Man Utd.
Then something happened, a certain Argentine, Hernan crespo, joined a team called Chelsea. It was impossible for me not to support this team, though it was mid-table team then, good, but of course not champions like Utd/'pool/gunners.
The rest is history......Crespo left the club next season, the russian revolution took place, Chelsea won back-to-back leagues. My passion for the Blues have reached new levels, and it will be safe to say that I love Chelsea more than I love Argentina.
Some of my most favourite players who have graced the field for the blues :

Zola : I haven't seen him at his prime, but his last season was magical, it left a profound impression on me.
Damien Duff : I loved this guy back then.I was deeply sad when he left the pensioners.
Ricardo Carvalho :Easily the best defender for Chelsea. I just admire this guy's match reading ability, the timed tackles, the calculated risks he takes;one of the major reasons behind chelsea's success in this decade.
JT26 : The leader, the fearless defender. May be he doesn't have the best defensive techniques, but who cares when he puts his heads where other defenders won't even put their feet.
Cech : Before the terrible injury, he was arguably the top keeper in EPL. Now he clearly ain't the same anymore, but still pulls up big saves out of his sleeves.
Essien : The Bison,enough said.

And now the two players I absolutely love......Super Frank and The Drog. Big match players, specially Drogba is a beast for the hapless defenders when he's in mood. He may not be the most clinical in the world, but he always pulls out something out of nothing, specially in big matches, particularly against the likes of Arsenal and Liverpool.
And about lampard, a midfielder scoring 130+ goals for his club , countless assists, neat defending when you require, what ore can you ask ? Lampard is one of the most underrated players in history, and I hope he provides a magical display of his skill in the Greatest Show on Earth, the World cup, to shut up his critics once and for all.
Anyways, whatever happens, I'll keep on supporting Chelsea, as I have done for Argentina. Champions or no champions, trophies or no trophies, my blood will always remain blue.

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