Friday, January 22, 2010

Dark days of my Life

XAT results were declared today, and unsurprisingly, I have again made a mess of it, as proved by the results. That unofficially ends my MBA ambitions for this year, cos I haven't done that well in CAT.Not a single call so far, and to be frank and honest, I didn't know I am this much of a loser.
What a glorious journey it was, solving problems, writing those damn mocks, meeting new friends, the countless hours spent on discussing and analysing test papers. Not for a single moment I thoughtI didn't have it in me, and here I am, with absolutely nothing to show for my efforts. I do pity myself for my plight. For the first time in my life I am on the verge of losing my self-confidence, the one good quality that I always possessed. Thoughts are running wild within my tired head. Am I this bad ? ain't I good enough to achieve something ? Did I deserve these ? I seriously don't know. I have failed everybody around me, who had high hopes on me and supported me every moment. Right now, I cannot make a decision whether to go for it one more time. Seriously I don't know, cos I don't have any confidence on myself, not anymore. It's over for me. Game, set and match.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

At last I have done it...

Well here I am, at last. It has been a long time when I planned to write something, nothing extraordinary...just simple things of my life....just for myself, cos frankly I don't expect anyone to read my drivel. But it took me more than 12 months to create an account. Mostly because I was busy doing things which I am not sure whether I really wanted to do. But those days are gone now I hope.
Right now listening to Lennon (that explains the blog name), pleasant Sunday evening, the blissful 6 hours before the week starts with its hustle-n-bustle.
Switched to SRV's cover of Little Wings...intricate guitar works from the magician giving me the goosebumps.
Well, it feels good to write to be honest. Know I am just writing utter useless staff, but still I feel good.Hope I'll be regularly writing here and not after another 12 months or so. Later.